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Erectile dysfunction can affect men of all ages. We also know it can affect 50% of men by the age of 50, often having serious psychological consequences on a personal level for patients and their partners. In the two videos below, our high volume surgeons explain what erectile dysfunction is and how it can be treated.



Erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain and maintain an erection of sufficient quality to allow satisfactory sexual function between a man and his partner. There are various risk factors for erectile dysfunction but the most influential is increasing age. Other medical conditions maybe associated with erectile dysfunction such as high blood pressure and diabetes, hormone imbalance such as low testosterone or thyroid dysfunction may also be associated with erectile dysfunction. Patients undergoing surgery for bowel, bladder or prostate cancer may also suffer post-operative erectile dysfunction. Treatment for erectile dysfunction usually takes place in a step wise manner initially starting with lifestyle modification perhaps tablet treatment moving onto creams, injections and even vacuum devices. As a final resort patients may opt to have a penile implant inserted.